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5 Technology Trends To Watch in 2019

Current Events, Innovation

It's difficult to keep in step with new innovations in technology. Even as new technologies are being created, experts in the manufacturing field are creating new ways to implement existing ones. Some of the biggest up-and-coming technology trends of 2019 aren't necessarily new ones, but the increasing use and further development of existing tech.

The Blockchain

Long known as the basis for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, the blockchain is effectively a method for keeping a running ledger. It records and verifies transactions on an ongoing basis, which makes it a very valuable tool for maintaining chains of custody, keeping track of work orders, and keeping a purchase record. This is already seeing use in helping to deal with issues like product recalls — after the most recent outbreak of e.coli, some manufacturers and retailers whose products were affected are insisting that their sources use the blockchain for increased transparency. This will allow them to efficiently and accurately pinpoint the exact source of their stock in the event of an issue. Expect more and more retailers to require their suppliers to follow suit.

Internet Connectivity

The manufacturing industry has been using the internet for ages, but the Internet of Things is changing how that happens. Devices with high-speed internet connectivity, from safety sensors on the factory floor to sensors that monitor machine health, to devices that keep track of stock and adjust workflow, can collect and send data to people and each other. This creates an intelligent network that greatly streamlines the entire manufacturing process from the cradle to the grave.


Automation is a hotly debated topic. Many experts claim that it will cost jobs, without creating an income safety net for the now-unemployable, while others claim it will create jobs to meet this demand. While some analysts maintain that automation will eventually unseat up to 9% of the global workforce, others say that less than 5% of jobs are actually able to be fully automated. What's most interesting is that many of these jobs are not low-wage work — a good portion of tasks ripe for automation are those performed by middle management and upward, not by trained workers on the floor. Automation will continue to influence manufacturing not only on the production floor but also in the office. Tasks like processing transactions, handling work orders, ordering raw materials, and replying to client emails can all be automated with relative ease. This allows managers to focus on the areas that require more of their attention.

Adjustable Production Processes

Factories lose business when they can't respond to customer needs in a timely fashion — if you can't make what the customer wants when they want it, they will find someone who can. Modern factories need to be able to adapt to new workflows on the fly, and one of 2019's biggest technology trends is the answer: flexible automation technology. By building machines to be configurable without having to alter their hardware, manufacturers can change their production process as needed, with as little lost productivity as possible. Configurations can switch from digital to analog, from input to output, and more, depending on what's needed.


Hacking isn't just for computers anymore. While technology holds a tremendous amount of promise when it comes to increased efficiency, safety, and output, the increased integration of new tech means that things are more vulnerable than ever to cyber attack. The Internet of Things, where a growing number of objects are constantly connected to the internet and sharing data with each other, means that these sensors and devices can be exploited by an outside party. Coupled with greater automation and software-configurable production processes, and it's easy to see why a sufficiently modern factory needs tight security.

Cybersecurity professionals will be more in demand than ever in 2019. Technology can be a manufacturer's best friend or worst enemy. By following technology trends and adapting to a changing landscape, factories can boost their productivity, ensure worker safety, keep their machines running smoothly, and provide an unprecedented level of transparency for their clientele. While all of these advances have the potential to leave factories open to cyber attack, the IT field is expanding to meet the demand for more security professionals versed in the way that manufacturers use tech. All of these things allow factories to respond to the new and different challenges faced by modern manufacturing.